Supporting Young Carers
Life is difficult for the UK's young carers...
According to research by the University of Nottingham and the BBC in 2010, it’s estimated that there are over 700,000 young carers in the UK, and 1 in 12 schoolchildren have some kind of caring responsibility for one or more member of their family.
This ‘hidden army’ of young carers, some as young as 5 years old, help their parents, siblings and other family members cope with physical illness and disabilities, or addiction and mental health issues, often leaving them with little or no free time for themselves.
That’s a lot to take on as a child, and young carers are often isolated from friends, miss school, and feel that they are trapped in a hopeless situation. Aniyah was referred to Barnardo’s by a health worker following a home visit, after discovering that he had been providing over 20 hours per week of care for her mother and younger brother since the age of 10.
One of Barnardo’s local children’s service centres was able to give her a break from caring by helping her to get more support from local health services. She started visiting a drop in centre, where she met other children who had similar responsibilities, and was able to take part in day trips and outings organised by the centre. For the first time in over 3 years Aniyah could enjoy being a child again.
“Barnardo’s helped me to believe in myself. I started to understand that I can have a life, I don’t need to be home 24/7. I’m part of the Young Carers Council now, and I feel part of something. Before, I didn’t feel like I belonged anywhere.” Aniyah, 13, young carer.
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